• We Placed As Finalists for The Walking Dead Game Jam!

    WHOO HOO!! http://www.thewalkingdead.com/game-jam-finalists/ Yep, out of 120 entries, we are one of only a handful of finalists. Scroll down the page to Capitalist Invaders! and that is indeed our little mini game. Pixel Comrades is just a temporary development name for now. Here is a video of a bit of the game play. There are a …

  • 50 Watts: A Book Illustration and Commercial Art Wonderland

    So there is this gentleman named Will Schofield who can be found in many corners of the internet. He Twitters, he Facebooks, he Pinterests. He gives advice on Amazon. He Tumblrs, twice. He blogs in multiple venues. And what most of this content pertains to is his truly amazing site, 50 Watts, a huge collection of book …

  • The Artist’s Studio

    Just sharing a quick glimpse into my work space. Its always enjoyable to get a peek into the artist’s lair, that personal laboratory where we try our best to create a bit of alchemy.

  • Upcoming Work

    Some other video game developers and I are doing The Walking Dead Game Jam: All Out War contest. If you don’t know what a jam is in the developing/creating context, go check it out on their web site. Its a small bit of short-term chaos and insanity basically. And its fun. Deadline is October 10th. …